For fans of The Conan O’Brien Show, you know the sketch series “In the year 2000” where Conan and a celebrity guest make predictions for what will happen in the future. A few examples:
- “Everyone on earth will become flesh-eating zombies. When the flesh is all gone, they will be dirt-eating zombies. Hence after that, some will reluctantly go to the Olive Garden.”
- “Microsoft will go out of business and Bill Gates will be bankrupt after the disastrous release of their latest product Windows Kevin Costner.”

Where am I going with this? Skilled Work, Without the Worker, an article published this week in The New York Times, provides a look into the future of manufacturing and logistics – two fields that will increasingly use robotics to boost productivity. It includes several photos, some of which seem as absurd or surprising as many from France at the turn of the century. But, that's the future and it's where we are headed. It’s a great read and the implications, especially for the workforce, are huge. This is a must read for economic developers.